Archive | January, 2012


13 Jan

I’ve decided to write today about 20 things that I learned in 2011, some serious, some funny and some just down right odd.

20. Never fly with a belt on

19. Never spell pencil wrong…. 

18. You find love in the strangest places.

17. Good things fall apart and sometimes better things don’t  fall together,

16. The most challenging things reap the biggest rewards.

15.  When you think things can’t get worse, they can.  When you think things can’t get better, they can.

14. Bring a sweater.

13. Always have a snack, just in case.

12.  Go to the bathroom even if you don’t have to.

11. The most unlikely people will surprise you at the most unlikely times.

10. Overcome, Move forward and when needed use a little profanity.

9.  Good decision or bad decision, its your decision.  stick with it.

8. Learn to use the microwave, there is a button just for popcorn.

7.  Invest in a good step stool, kitchens are not designed for short people.

6. Tell those that you love how special they are, everyday (just becasue)

5.  Don’t let mom drive your car or barrow your glasses.

4. Grandmas fudge will always be better than mine, always

3. Golden retrievers shouldn’t eat grasshoppers.

2. Great friends come in all shapes and sizes, and you meet them in the strangest places.

1. Remember the small things, don’t sweat the big stuff and enjoy the ride.

2011 was a crazy year.  I learned a lot about myself.  I had always known who I was in times of struggle and heartache, but had never learned myself when things were really good, Id never been given the chance.  I was always waiting to step on the next rake: things are moving forward then you take a step and BAM, rake in the face!  2011 helped me find a balance and calm in my life that I had never found before.  For example: I had no idea that I like to read, in fact had you asked me 1 year ago I would have told you I hated it, but having the opportunity to relax this past year and venture out fo the box, I found I love to read. 

2011 confirmed a lot of things for me as well, I still hate doing the dishes.  For years I fought off all the negative, I was so focused on staying positive and moving forward and I didn’t see all the negative as a blessing.   I never would have imagined that all of that negative, makes all of this ordinary that much more enjoyable. 

I have finally settled in to an ordinarily extraordinary situation , as I call it.  I’m not different from most, my past no longer defines the decisions I make for my future and for the first time in my life I truly believe that tomorrow will be better than today.

So here’s to you 2011, you tricky bastard.

Peace and Love